Assalamualaikum semua ! :) Wahhhh, punye lame tak men'update' blog ni. Al maklum lah, start semester 5 ni memang tersangat-sangatlah busy. Memanjang je busy kan? Hohoho. As usual, tanggungjawab sebagai student mmg tak pernah nak habiskan. Oke, now is the 2nd week for this 5th semester or tough semester. Yes, it is really tough and challenging one. I said it because this semester is become more tough and challenges than the previous semester. Yelah, bile dah masuk part 5, it means, we are matured enough and must be the mentor for the junior. Semester ni takdelah berbeza sgt dgn yang sebelum ni. Cume the way of teaching and learning tu yang dah upgrade, takkan lah dah nak habis masih lagi belaja dengan bergantung pada lecturer 100% kan? The best part for this semester is there is no class on Thursday until Sunday. So I have 4 days for my weekend hehe. Best mmg best tapi Ya Allah memang tak tahu ape nak buat kat bandar yang penuh kehijauan ni time weekend! Kalau rumah dekat, dah lame saya cabut tiap2 weekend :(
Waaaaaa. Tapi sayang jauh.... Nak dijadikan cerita, 1st week dtg cni, terus balik bile weekend. At the 1st place, mak mmg tak bagi balik sebab 3 hari je baru kat P.Alam ni dah nak balik umah. Tapi last2, mak izinkan jugak. Mak lagi suke sebenarnya. Saje nak buat propa tak bagi at 1st hehehe :p Minggu ni maybe dah tak boleh baliklaa. Gile! Habis la duit ptptn hahaha. Its okayy, I'd checked the scheme of work yang lec bagi, awal bulan 4 ni ade cuti 5 hari. Yeyyy!! Best kottttt. Dahla mid sem holiday hujung bulan 4. Woahhh, 2X laaa dapat balik for the next month. Bahagia aman sentosa hidup student UiTM ni kan? :p
Semester ni takdela byk kelas. Cume ade hari2 yang penuh dgn kelas dari pagi ke petang. Ade subjek yang 2 credit hrs, 3 credit hrs but mostly the lecturer encourage us to participate in the Blended Learning whereby we need to be actively participate in the i-Learn. It gives us mark for the on-going assessment soon. Nak taknak, memang kene mengadap laptop kat i-Learn selama 1 hrs per day or per week. Participating in the class also been counted by the lecturer. Nervous tu mmg tak penah lari tapi I need to improve myself in communicate and be active in the class. There is subject that need me to do a research or study. As we know, it is really take time but I need to settle it for the end of this semester. InsyaAllah, I will do my best and get the best result for this semester! Nak sangat dapatkan DL utk semester ni untuk naikkan CGPA. InsyaAllah Ameeen Ameen Ameen :)
Hmmm. Rase mcm dah lame tak ckp pasal AA kan? hehehe. Takde pape kot nak diceritakan sal die utk sem ni. Cume sem ni my group will collaborate with his group for organizing a seminar. It is one of the project for Professional Development since the same lecturer teaches us. That's all. Ade je jumpe die kat kampus tapi takdela nak bersembang or anything else. I have my own commitment and he do so. Kalau ade kelapangan, we texted each other. But for this time being, memang jarang sebab I got many things to do and also him. Never mind, as long as I know he is alright and be fine always hehehe. For those who talked about the gossips tu, I have no comment to be added, hahahaha (bajet artis). Untuk declare ape2 between him and me, it is too early and I do not have any right to make any over statement hahaha. What I can say is I am comfortable being one of his friends and he do feels and admit the same thing. Untuk lebih jauh dan serius, biarkan masa yang tentukan. SesungguhNya Allah tu Maha Mengetahui kan? :)
*Saya berpegang pada kata2 Ana Raffali : ' Berkawan tu lebih baik because there is no possibility untuk clash ataupun putus in fact it is still going on, tapi kalau bercinta, ade kemungkinan untuk clash pe semua tuh.' So, I think ia lebih baik buat masa sekarang. Cukuplah kami selesa berkawan dan jaga hati each other, itu yang membuatkan sesuatu hubungan tu lebih harmoni dan berpanjangan. Soal jodoh, biarlah Allah yang tentukan yee. Kalau dah memang jodoh, takkan kemana kan? :D Wallahuaklam. *
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