For most, thanks to Allah s.w.t. Today i got 3 things that make me happy and thankful a lot. Firstly, i got answer final exam paper for QMT554 calmly and confidently. First time rase macam yakin sangat jawab exam tadi dari paper2 sebelum ni. Huhuhu. Yaa, paper before really tensed me. Nak kate susah, saya bukan tak study pun. Study tapi mungkin terlalu berharap pada tips2 lecturer ataupun instinct masing2 so last2, masing2 gigit jari dan keluar dari pintu dewan exam dengan muka ayam berak kapur. Hmmm. Tapi bende dah lepas, nak pk ape pun takde gune. Just let it go. Sekarang the best thing is, berdoa dan bertawakal pada Allah. Kite dah usaha jadi sekarang kite berserah. Yang menentukan Allah, kite ni merancang je. Untuk paper tadi, i mean QMT554, was quite easy to understand. Sebab 2 hari dah buat latihan past year, test mcm dalam exam segala bagai, so Allah dah tolong saya dan juga kawan2 dalam exam. Shukran Ya Illahi. Saya taknaklah berharap lebih2 cume berdoa agar keputusan nanti baik2 je semuanye. Ameenn.
Secondly, sebab hari ni start boleh check result Muet. Alhamdulillah I got what I expected before. Yaa, average jelaa tapi still berpuas hati dengan usaha sendiri. Yang penting, confident level tu mesti tinggi :D Tahniah buat kawan2 saya dengan result masing2 terutama Mieza, Ieka, Adira, Paie dan Eiyra. We are still the best right? Two of us layak jadi lawyer hehehe. Okayy last sekali ni pulak, dapat baucer RM200 dari govt. Kawan aku ckp baucer tu hasil tax yang mak ayah kite byr jugak. But still bersyukur dengan rezeki pada hari ni. Terima Kasih Allah. Keluar dari exam hall tadi memang rase lega dan bersyukur sangat sebab dapat jwb soalan dengan tenang. Saya mendoakan yang terbaik untuk semua paper.
U know what? Mase nak ambik baucer kat kampus tadi, I met someone. Hahaha. Ehem2. Sape lagi kalau bukan AA. I saw him in the office. Once I arrived there, I saw him and he stand near by me. But I am too shy to say hello to him. Because my friends and his friends are there too. So, I just walk without look at him (sombong ke?) Then, when I was going out from the office, I saw him outside the office. He just look at me and smile to me, then I smiled back to him. What a coincidence right? ;D hehehe. Along my way to back home, we texted each other. I said to him that I am really comfortable be friend with him and he said too. Hehehe. I am not hoping anything but just need someone that can comfort me, make me laugh, make me feel calm, make me fall in love once again. For this time being, I am happy for my life because I enjoyed my life happily without any reason for me to be sad anymore. Without the pain, without the heartache and the most important part is without you, Msyk.
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I guess I am ready to be in love again. Come to me. I am waiting for you, love ;D |
Good luck for you si gadis tabah ! muet saya biasa biasa je. puas hati la. heee~
ReplyDeletebtw tengok kat chatbox ada ur msj. nak tolong ajarkan pe tu? :)
Cik Eniey : Thank You. Saya bersyukur dengan rezeki yang Dia bagi. Alhamdulilah :)
DeleteOwh, ingat nak mintak tolong ajar design kan blog ni. Nak buat header hehe
semoga berjaya ucapan tahniah dai mbakri blog
ReplyDeletembakri : ameen. terima kasih :)